WEDF salutes our donors who help us improve the quality of life for the students in the Worcester Public Schools. A great big thank you to all of our donors! (Please note that this list reflects donations made between April 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021.)
Leadership Donors
George I. Alden Trust
The Stoddard Charitable Trust
Anonymous (2)
Constance & Robert Bartelson
Berkshire Bank
Maureen Binienda
Ellen Brigham (In Memory of Brian O’Connell)
City of Worcester – Stoddard Trust Fund
Louise & Jeff Clarke
College of the Holy Cross
DCU for Kids
Tony Economou
Educational Association of Worcester
Eppinger Family
David Fields
First Baptist Church
Fran Ford & Shirley Doyle
Guild of St. Agnes
Hoche-Scofield Foundation, Bank of
America, N.A., Trustee
Mark Holden
IPG Photonics
Lamoureux Pagano Associates | Architects
John Mahoney
Major Taylor Association
Susan & Michael O’Neil
PEACE Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Cynthia & Stephen Pitcher
Andrew Reidy
Schwartz Charitable Foundation
Jonathan Silverman
Charles Alan Steinberg
Synergy Investments
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Unum Group
WinnCompanies – Voke Lofts LP
In Memory of Charles Favreault
Peter Boltruczyk
Helen & Jacques Brunelle
Karen Burns
Margaret Coffin
Melissa Favreault
Edward Favreault
Barbara Favreault
Edward T. Favreault
Linda & David Favreault
Guild of St. Agnes
Helen & Theodore Kiritsy
Clare Nadolski
Marie Parse
Susan Thomas
Joanne Tierney
Lisa & James Wiseman
In Memory of Jane McDonald
Maureen Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Frances Arena
John Bassick
Bisceglia, Steiman & Fudeman, LLP
Francis Brockway
Louise & Jeff Clarke
Ellen & TJ Conte
Cornerstone Bank
Chris Corsiglia
Keith Early
Larry & Judy Eros
David Grace **
Sal & Elizabeth Guerra
Steve & Michelle Horrigan
Kathy & Philip Lahey *
Mark Leff
Rich & Carol Lorion
Mary Jane Nuzzetti
Margaret Ann O’Connor *
Michael & Claudine OHara
Rollstone Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Ruth Ryan
Paul Scully
Dee Sendrowski & Terrence O’Kane
David Tinsley *
Trustees of Country Bank
Sharon Woodbury
* Coats for Kids
** Connected Kids
In Memory of Debra Miller
Cynthia & Kenneth Boudreau
Melissa Bruno
Joan & Patrick DeSantis
Marie Direnzo
Mary & George Duhamel
Linda Grady
Leslie & John Hassan
Amy & Michael Karls
Irene Logan
Arthur Manzi **
Susan Manzi
Central MA Council for Social Studies
Claire & Robert Rainville
William Wallace
James & Jo-Ann Webster
** Connected Kids
John B. Anderson
Anonymous (14)
Anonymous (In Honor of Clare Nadolski)
Frances Arena
Tammy Balley
Andrew Baker
Robert Bartelson (In Memory of Eileen Creedon)
Juliette Belsito (In Honor of Danny Belsito)
Jody Bird
Monica Borci
Megan Brunelle
Marilyn Butler
Bonnie Candalino
Deb & Charlie Cary
Deborah Cary (In Honor of Maureen Binienda)
Christina Chappell
Sally & Jonathan Chappell
Gabrielle (Mercier) Chidester
Clark University
Louise Clarke (In Honor of Clare Nadolski)
Nocile Combellack
Dianne B. Davis
Davis Publication Charitable Trust Foundation
Erin Derr
Dennis M. Dimitri
Tom Donington
Susan & Chris Dougherty
Nancy Anne Driscoll
Susan Ekstrom
Julie Falcucci
Kathleen Finnegan-Smith
Leslie Fish
Danielle Frisch
Susan Gallagher
Jonelle Garofoli
James L. Garvey
Stephanice Gaudette
Sheila Harrity
Gail Holland-Dufault
Elaine Johnson (In Honor of Alan Degutis, & In Memory of Ann Crane Johnson Kindler and Edla Johnson)
Eileen & Kevin Keaney (In Memory of David O’Connor)
Robert Layne
Kathleen Lee
Gordon Lockbaum
Lynn Loftus
Pat & Wilson Lowery
John Mahoney
Gisele Maloney
Carol Manning
Debra Mantyla
Ron Mariano
John Maroney Jr.
Sandy Mayrand
Caryn McCrohon
Maureen McDermott
Linda McSweeney (In Honor of Mark Berthiaume)
Christine Meuse
Stephen Mills
Lemonia Mironidis
John Monfredo
Karin Moquin
Gina Morgera
Daniel Mulcahy (In Memory of Donna)
Thomas Murray
Clare T. Nadolski
Roger Nugent Jr.
Colleen OShea
Kyle Pahigian
Nancy Paige
Paul T. Proko
Gail Randall
Wendy & Jim Reidy
Matthew Reidy
Katie Rice
Peter Richard
Robin Scarrell
Greg Sindelar (In Memory of Joanne Frances Holden)
Megan Smith
LeeAnne Spokis
Strategic Accoutning And Tax Services LLC
Allisen Tencza
Blair Warren
Coats for Kids Donors
Leadership Donors:
City of Worcester – Stoddard Trust Fund
DCU for Kids
Donna Alarie
Anonymous (16)
Kristin & Joseph Bafaro
Roy Benson Jr. (In Memory of Jeffrey R. Benson)
Eleanor Brockway
Donna & Edd Byrnes
Andrea M. Caplan (In Memory of George Query)
Maureen Caramello
Bette Carr (In Memory of Phyllis Favulli)
Karen Cerullo
Lillian Chenell
Cathlene Christiano
Marjorie Cohen
Fred Cormier
Judith Cormier
Mary & Louis Cornacchioli
Robert Cuccaro
Joanne Deschenes
Jane K. Dewey
Erin & Eric Dobson
Susan & Chris Dougherty
Catherine & Bill Doyle
Judy Fairfull
William Fay
Kathleen Foreman
Patty Gannon
Gerald Giguere (In Memory of Herve R. Giguere)
Heather Griffis
Jennifer Hardy
Toni R. Heard (In Memory of Mary J. Boucher)
Kimberly Holloway
IATSE Local 96
IBEW Local 2325
Jean & Harry Johnson
Thomas Johnson (In Honor of Robert & Sheila Johnson)
Nancy Karsberg
Kathy Kenyon
Ann Kernaghan
Julie Krugman
Mary Labuski
Law Office of Maynard & Cataldo
Leominster Credit Union
Paul & Judith Mair
Mary-Margaret Mara
Sandy Mayrand
Christine McCarthy
Carol McGrath
Sherrill McKeon
John Monfredo
Kerry Mulcahy
Francis J. Murphy IV
Murphy, Lamere & Murphy, P.C.
Dale & Jason Newton
Maureen O’Rourke
Elizabeth Oriente
Linda Parmakian
M. Peairs (In Memory of Loretta Peairs)
Ivonne Perez (In Memory of Pedro W. Perez)
JoAnn & Matthew Reidy
JoAnne H. Rose (In Honor of Marge Boyd)
F. S. Rushton
Jennifer A. Smith
Tony & Betsy Spalatro
Amanda Spann
Mary Sullivan
Tatnuck Parent Teacher Association
Ron Vecchio
Venerini Sisters
Connected Kids Donors
Leadership Donors:
Constance & Robert Bartelson
Berkshire Bank
Educational Association of Worcester
Eppinger Family
David Fields
First Baptist Church
Fran Ford & Shirley Doyle
Guild of St. Agnes
Hoche-Scofield Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Mark Holden
IPG Photonics
Lamoureux Pagano Associates | Architects
John Mahoney
Major Taylor Association
PEACE Fund of Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Charles Alan Steinberg
Synergy Investments
Unum Group
In Memory of Joanne Frances Holden:
Sean Berkowitz
Ann Bouchard
Catherine Boyle
Sheryl Corrigan
Gary Endicott
Joan & David Farha
Molly Froelich
William & Particia Gibbons
Clare Hannan
Kathleen Holden
Mark Holden
Jenny Kim
Marcia Libman
Jennifer Magyari
Anna McEntee & Geoff Holtzman
Kathleen Merrill
Monahan Family
Phillip Moynihan
John Phelan
David Robertson
Monica Roth
Ken & Lisa Schmiedbauer
Jim Spencer
Stand Together CJR Team
Sally Yates
In Honor of Ken McCormack:
Ken McCormack ran a marathon to raise funds for WEDF’s Connected Kids campaign. Read about it here
Hannah Allen
Dan Amaral
Helen & Jack Barnes
Brigitte Bartocha
Mary Catanzaro
Lindsey & Scott Cypen
Craig & Judy Damario
Alexander Desnoyers
Joani Desnoyers
Lauren & Andrew Desnoyers
Connor Dunn
Debra Dunn
Shoshanah Garber
Scott Ghelfi
Joanne Glynn
Justin Guay
Alexandra Gundersen
Thomas Heighton
Jane Holtz
Alexandra Igo
Philip G Logan
Ken McCormack
Peter McCormack (In Honor of Muriel McCormack)
Shirley McCormack
Max McGurl
Barbara McPhelim
Lucille Mutty
Lauren O’Brien
Maria Pepin
Nicky Pina
Rachel Porter
Bob Schneider
Julie Swanbeck
Jeremy Ventura
Tyler Vincent
Tim Wadman
Bene Webster
James Weselcouch
Phyllis White
Leanne Ahronian
Anonymous (10)
Anonymous (In Honor of Louise Clarke)
Frances Arena
Elena Arranz Alonso
Kristin Bafaro
Maureen & Edward Binienda
Philip Bolduc
Eleanor Brockway
McHala Brophy
Mary Brunelle (IHO Laura J. Tucker)
Lynne Burns
Melissa Campbell
Liza Carrigan
Charlie & Deb Cary
Harriett Chandler
Jonathan & Sally Chappell
Susan Chlapowski
Louise & Jeff Clarke
Raymond & Patricia Clifford
Clifford & Rano Associates
Joanne Cronin
Kim da Silva
Joanne Deschenes
David Desroches
Chester DiLeo
Deborah Donohue
John Durkin
James Durning
Emily Evenden
Pamela Farley
Edward L. Faron
Kathleen Finnegan-Smith
Helen A. Friel
Chris Gaba
Ana & Paul Gallagher
Patricia & James Garvey
Greg Gilman
Jeff Glick
Eileen Goguen (In Honor of John Goguen)
Christine Goretti
Maria Gregarczyk
Eduardo Guardiola
Nancy Gurgone
Gail Handelmann
Kathleen Hannon
Phyllis Harrington
Kelly Harris
John Healey
Mason Hendershott
Jay Himmelstein & Ellen Ruell
Thomas Johnson
Elaine Johnson
Kevin & Eileen Keaney
John Keenan
Mary Ellen Killelea
Adele LaRiviere
Robert Layne
David LeBoeuf
Dennis Leroux
Brian Lewis
Elizabeth Loring
Aaron Lubowitz
Machado Consulting
Laura Maloney
Amy Martin
Kelley Martin
Matt Mattus
Joseph McKeon
Allisen Menchaca
Stephen & Kelle Mills
John Monfredo
Robert Moylan Jr.
Murphy, Lamere & Murphy, P.C.
Thomas & Christine Murray
Clare Nadolski
Margaret F. Nelson
Roger Nugent Jr.
Margaret Ann O’Connor
Susan O’Neil
Esperanza Oliveras-Gualdarrama
Michael Orland
Elizabeth Osborne
Colleen OShea
Michael Ouellette and Amy Merritt
Susan Perschbacher
David Peterson
Joanne Vail Pike
Cynthia and Stephen Pitcher
Paul Proko
Lew Rose
Jim & Katie Rushton
Maureen Sanderson
Megan Smith
Robin Spaulding
Derek Speed
Dina Taylor
Bill Thompson (IHO Clare Nadolski)
Jeff & Michelle Titus
Kathryn Toomey
Brianna Turner
James Underwood
Carmen D Vazquez
Joanna Voyiatzis
Alfee Westgroves
Linda Wincek-Moore
Susan Woodbury