We are thrilled to announce our brand new online community Worcester Alumni & Friends, which will allow us to establish greater connections with our graduates and the community.
Through this new alumni network, all Worcester Public Schools alumni, supporters and community members will be able to stay connected and receive regular updates and news articles. Over time, we aim to expand through special events, mentoring and volunteer opportunities. An Alumni Directory allows you to easily find and connect with other alumni, no matter where they’re located.
In addition, we are continuing to conduct an alumni and community interest survey. We began collecting responses in June seeking feedback regarding the information, services and updates that are important to you. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, it’s not too late! Take the survey.
Worcester alumni and local residents are a tremendous base of support for our schools, and it is our mission to keep the public and our alumni engaged in the challenges and opportunities our schools have. This community interest survey is helping us learn more about what it would look like for our school district to create stronger bonds with alumni and community members.
We are very much looking forward to moving ahead with this initiative!
Graduates of Worcester schools, former school district students, supporters and all local residents may sign up for the alumni network and receive regular news and updates. This includes information on district news and events, community points of pride, class reunions and how alumni and residents can get more involved in Worcester schools. There will also be regular profiles on alumni who have gone on to serve their communities in notable ways.
We invite you to check out the alumni network and all that this online community has to offer. We look forward to connecting with you!